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TED 강연들의 유용한 정보를 나누는 공간입니다.
TED 만의 매일 새롭고 재미있는 강연들을 제공 해 드립니다.
제목 : Your social media
글쓴이 : Samuel 글쓴날짜 : 2018-10-11 오후 4:06:13 조회수 : 1372
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Do you like curly fries? Have you Liked them on Facebook? Watch this talk to find out the surprising things Facebook (and others) can guess about you from your random Likes and Shares. Computer scientist Jennifer Golbeck explains how this came about, how some applications of the technology are not so cute -- and why she thinks we should return the control of information to its rightful owners.?

Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves)
A climate solution where all sides can win

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